ADA Ramp Systems

Safety and compliance

Differences in vertical elevations within a site often require costly and high maintenance elevators or ramp systems to provide compliant public access. Providing safe, low maintenance ramp systems within compliance of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is where you will find our expertise valuable. Although we have tried and true methods for accomplishing these tasks, custom solutions are within our reach.


Design Considerations:

  • Effectively situating the path of travel of your system to accommodate the challenges of the site.
  • Structural capacity and expected loads.
  • Is modularity or potential for reorganization of the components valuable to your situation?

Compliant Public Access

Hallsten ensures all public access ramps are compliant with government standards and regulations.

Custom Solutions

Reach out to a Hallsten designer to determine what your next step will be towards getting your own solution. If possible, prepare yourself for the conversation by determining the elevation differences you are trying to mediate and what space concerns you may have on site. Hallsten personnel may be available to help you determine this information with a site survey if required.